PHILIP BEALE - Explorer & Adventurer

Philip Beale, an intrepid explorer and leader, embarked on expeditions from a young age, exploring the Pacific and Papua New Guinea. His adventurous spirit led him to raft Canada's Firth River in 2005 and complete the first skiing traverse of Liverpool Land in Greenland the next year.

Renowned for his trailblazing voyages aboard replica historic sailing ships, he has bravely covered over 30,000 miles. From navigating the trans-Indian Ocean in 2003-04 to crossing the Atlantic in a replica Phoenician Galley in 2019, Philip pushed his limits and demonstrated his resilience. Sailing through pirate infested waters near Somalia in 2009 and battling fierce winds with a torn main sail off the Cape of Good Hope.

As an expedition leader, Philip's tenacity and skill shine, motivating and inspiring international audiences on leadership, teamwork, adversity, negotiation, and project management.